There are two models of how computers share resources on a network: Client-server and Peer-to-peer.
Most of the time this comes down to whether you want to use a server.
A server is a computer which provides resources for other computers. Sometimes servers have to be very powerful and sometimes they may look no different from a regular desktop computer. Additionally, the server can occasionally provide more than one type of resource.
Client-server Networks are managed by servers.The server provides services to other computers on the network – this could be file management, access to printers, user access security. Schools use a client-server model: school servers store our files, manage us logging into computers, manage update and back-up and printing.
On a peer to peer network, all the computers are equal (no singular computer is more important than the rest). There is no server, so all computers share files and resources between themselves. Most home networks are Peer to Peer.