
Malware is Malicious Software that causes damage. Once on a computer they can delete files , change files, copy files, and even encrypt files.

Types of malware

There are many types of malware and one piece of malware can be categorised in many ways:

  • Viruses Infects files, and runs when the user operates the file. Will spread to other file. Requires human interaction to spread
  • Worms Much like viruses but can self replicate without human interaction.
  • Trojan Disguises itself as a different or useful file in order to get a user to download or operate it. 
  • Keyloggers Tracks what the user is typing on their keyboard to steal passwords and personal information. 
  • Ransomware Locks a computer by encrypting files. Usually shows up a ransom screen demanding money in exchange for access to the locked files.
  • Adware After infecting the users computer it displays adverts on the screen using pop-ups, or by injecting them into web pages.

How does malware get onto a computer?

Malware can get infect a computer in numerous different ways including from the user downloading unknown files, downloading e-mail attachments, opening files from external storage, or from other computers on the network. Viruses could also be installed intentionally as well as accidentally.


Anti-malware software (AKA Antivirus) scans a computers files and any incoming files. The files are compared to a database of virus signatures. If the file matches a signature in the database then it is identified as a virus. Anti-malware software must be kept up to date so that new viruses can be identified.