Features of cloud computing - Match-up

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Cloud Computing
Online Applications
Collaboration Tools
Disaster Recovery
File Sharing & Access Rights
Live Editing
Version History
Chat Facilities

A feature in cloud computing allowing multiple users to access, edit, and share files, with the ability to set different access levels and permissions for individual users
Features in cloud software that enhance teamwork, including file sharing, access rights, adding comments, tracking changes, live editing, version history, and chat facilities
In cloud computing, it ensures that all software used by a business is up-to-date with the same features
Communication tools integrated within cloud applications that allow users to interact and discuss in real-time while collaborating on documents or projects
Software that can be accessed and used over the internet instead of being installed locally on a computer
A strategy in cloud computing that ensures business continuity by enabling recovery of data and applications in case of disasters like fire
Involves running applications on computer servers connected to the internet, rather than on local machines
A feature in cloud computing that keeps a record of each change made to a document over time, allowing users to view and revert to previous versions as needed
A collaboration feature in cloud computing where multiple users can edit a document simultaneously, with changes being visible in real-time to all participants
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