Assembly Language

Due to the difficulties humans have reading and writing machine code in binary, we created Assmebly Language. 

Assembly Language uses mnemonics - commonly 3 letter abbreviations of English words. Each mnemonic is directly linked to one machine code instruction.

When a program is written in Assembly Langauge, the mnemonics are converted to their binary machine code equivalents to be ran on the CPU. This translation is done by an Assembler.

Advantages of Assembly Languages

  • It's easier to write programs in Assembly Language than machine code due to mnemonics
  • Due to each mnemonic being linked directly to one machine code instruction, Assembly Language programs are very memory efficient

Disadvantages of Assembly Language

  • Assembly Language programs are not portable because of the direct link to Machine Code
  • While using mnemonics is easier than writing binary machine code, it is not as easy to write and understand as higher level languages

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Edexcel GCSE Computer Science