Impacts of modern technology on organisations - Categories

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Positive Impact of Technology on Organisations
Negative Impact of Technology on Organisations

Can be intrusive, affecting work/life balance with always-on communication
Can lead to information overload and management challenges
Allows for global market access through online distribution
Improves business infrastructure
Enhances data security with distributed data storage methods
Can result in depersonalisation of customer interactions
Enhances customer service and accessibility with interactive platforms and kiosks
Incurs high initial setup and ongoing maintenance costs
Exposes organisations to security risks with dispersed/distributed data
Potentially diminishes local physical market presence
Facilitates communication with mobile devices and web-based platforms
Offers flexible working environments and remote working capabilities
Supports faster and more efficient communication
Improves collaboration and project management with digital tools
Provides cost-effective marketing and customer engagement options
Enables access to files and information anywhere
Requires continuous training and updates for new technologies
Might increase competition and pressure on pricing and service offerings
May face challenges with internet dependency for web-based platforms
May encounter resistance to change and adoption from staff
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